Yo Cuntster,
Wat da hell r uze duen up dis half turd noon? I agree, itster is a trap. Cuntyouz luse if youz dun't pl a replyay. Guud muve. Thankun abouster a reply Ize red a bit ago. Duz da Hickstah huv a key board dat spells da wurds outster fer him. Hell no. Dis is da way weeze we we speak in da va dat is.Woods of Sin a Sea. Ware we va dat may beeze. A buzzard of mine sent wa a text ma saze ester day. Clamen, and he is da retard schuul teacha frum Seminole HS in Florida. Iza cunt unda sstand a wud you saa. Well jack a lope, go back 2 da Gatah hund buke and read it ahgain. Due 2 da fack at UT, Knoxville knot Chatta goo ga, snot Tampa, Linder anutah story, I embare est a federal judge, I learned 2 speak frum da dead peoples undah fuutball field. A nuttah story wen Linder ain't lukin. Y how 2 talkouz u lurrn howz 2 talk 2 da fish wen spendin hours wit dem. Trust mee dis ain't a given turn from da key board whore glass ruum frum UT. UT amnicolar Hi me too Way Chattanuuger, Tn ifster is right on da Tennessee Riva any 1 wants, whore carrots 2 luuk itster up. Snot wurt it butt da campus and boots is right on da Tennessee Riva. Chickamauga Dam it. Guud place 2 smoke pot wit you'll bitnass law teacha 2 getsta an A and snot fer ass.