Hell, I hit $100 gas tab on my Harley last week. They don't run on garbage yet. Warren Buffet and the 40s and 50s logic does snot impell me to injest my stairbord portfolio wit black gold that can be taken over with a AK47 with an empty clip. Do you ask why?? Should you ask why?? You Crane has what economaclly to offer to inpest a year long war after?? A country that, Now, has to be rebuilt and all out putting factories have been destroyed?? Ship yards and strategic ports of offense to do what?? A cost of doing war is /// piss the rest of the world off while the smoke screen is being put in place. There is a opposum in the wood pile that stinks and has a nick named Rusha me Chiner. Bidner bettah put on your big girl panties, cause youz bee n set up. The next prez might not bee so nice, well if that is what cha want to call it. Ball oons, scare me now, prisoner wife swap, now we be talkin, Tiawan placining our military factories back to work. Good, but we still have equipment ordered from them undelivered 5 years ago. Get the down payment + first. Back to seafood BUFFETTE. Have $ to make $. Just how much did he loose over the 30 years to make tat 1.2%???